Kids leave food in weird places: The waffle near the potty

All three of my kids love waffles. Maybe it’s a normal kid thing, but we go through 2-3 boxes of waffles pretty much every week. I’m not complaining (my wallet might be), since waffles are basically mess free little discs of deliciousness. In fact because of the relatively low mess threshold, my wife and I, are (sometimes) okay with the kids carrying them around (gotta pick your battles). The only problem is, kids leave food in weird places.

It’s a pretty common occurrence to ask our younger two boys if they finished their waffle only to find a half eaten waffle in a strange place an hour later. Today was one of those days.

Around 7, my kids all go into an after dinner frenzy. Our house is basically chaos during this point in the night. We are usually trying to get everyone bathed, teeth brushed and ready for bed. So of course it doesn’t matter that my kids ate like little P-I-G hogs for dinner, or that 7pm is the worst time for a snack. Like little zombies that crave brains, my kids NEED all the food NOW (Not want. They NEEEEED it). Waffles are often a solution. Not the healthiest snack, but also not the worst (and daddy and mommy keep some slight sanity).

This evening as per usual everyone scarfed down their waffles so fast we couldn’t believe our youngest actually finished his. Maybe he just threw it away, or left it in the toy room? Nope, today was a mystery.

Donuts in my shoe, pizza in the shower, anything is possible.

He only ate half, and then got creative. I think he was making a statement honestly. It looks like he carefully placed it on our master (my wife’s) bathroom sink. Granted I don’t know what the statement is, but there’s something there.

Maybe he wants me to know he can do what he wants with his waffle? Like a warning. It could be a gift. Like some dogs and cats bring dead things to their masters (bahahaha I am so not his master), so maybe he is showing us respect. It could just be that he plans to be back for it too, and that was an opportune place to set it while he wrecked some stuff in our room. Whatever the case, it gave me pause, and made me wonder when the next time my kids leave food in weird places will be? Donuts in my shoe, pizza in the shower, anything is possible. Parenting is quite the adventure.

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