Our little boy loves school buses and Legos

This year my daughter started riding the school bus in the morning. The year before I drove her, but (and this breaks my heart) she’s growing up fast . Coincidentally one day several weeks ago, my boys daycare closed, so they were home with me. I decided to be brave and walk all 3 of them (a 1 year old, 3 year old, and 7 year old) to her stop. My 3 year old son had an overwhelmingly strong reaction to the bus. It seems my little boy loves school buses.

Sure, lots of little boys like big trucks and cars, but school buses?

I mean he’s 3, so maybe he doesn’t get that among buses, school buses are sort of lame. They’re big and slow. In fairness, he likes the heck out of some trucks, so maybe he’s down with school buses because they are big and I guess bright (kind of an ugly yellow honestly). If I had to guess, I think it’s a deeper connection though.

I think there’s something incredibly powerful about younger siblings seeing their older brothers or sisters doing a thing they aren’t quite ready to do themselves. That said his obsession is a little wild.

In a way, figuring out how to code a website or app is similar to building creations with Legos.

My guy DEMANDS I build him “his school bus” every single time he plays with his Legos (which is all the time). Playing Legos is all he wants to do, which is great! I really encourage the kids to create things. I was a total Lego kid, and I think it contributed to growing up to become a builder of software. In a way, figuring out how to code a website or app is similar to building creations with Legos. But when all he wants is the dang bus, I worry he’s missing out on exploring that creativity and puzzle solving skills. The bus is also totally a bomb waiting to explode.

You see, the boy loves school buses so much, and Legos are just so fragile. He is 100% bound to trip and drop my lovingly (it was originally anyway) crafted Lego school bus. He is 3 after all, so 80% of his mobility amounts to running into shit and falling over. Then come the tears, as I try to console.log('couldn't help myself'); him while crawling around (killing my knees) picking up the destruction and piecing it back together

I suppose we should be happy it’s a bus and not an airplane. At least there’s not many pieces to pickup, and buses are sort of sturdy. I shudder to think about the wings on a Duplo aircraft breaking every 2 minutes.

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